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Website Security

Online security is important to us, and we take your online safety seriously. Please read about the safeguards in place for this website.

Payment by debit/credit card

We offer customers a wide choice of credit and debit card payment options, all of which are processed safe and securely.

We don't store your card details once the payment is processed so if there's an option to pay a deposit to secure a booking we will need you to supply your card details again to make the final payment(s).

Payment using PayPal

If you have a PayPal account you can pay for your ferry travel, accommodation, event tickets and attraction admission tickets using PayPal. Just select the PayPal option on the booking payment page and login to your account in just a few easy steps.
PayPal accounts can be linked to all major credit/debit cards or direct to your bank account.

Verified by Visa & MasterCard SecureCode

If you are a MasterCard or Visa customer you may have enrolled in the respective security program with your card provider. You would have been asked to set up a password, which you will be asked to enter each time you make an online purchase above a certain value.

Red Funnel's website supports these programs, and you will be prompted for your password if you have chosen to pay using your Visa or MasterCard.

Norton Secured Trusted Website

This website utilises a secure 'https' connection between your browser and our web servers to ensure your personal information, including your card details are processed securely, as verified by 'Norton Secured' from VeriSign Authentication Services.

VeriSign and the Norton Secured Seal is the gold standard for verification services on the internet.

Download our Cyber Security Policy