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Cookie & Privacy Policy

Your personal information: How we collect it, use it and protect it.

This website has been designed to provide our online customers with clearly presented information that is no way misleading. Because your privacy is important to us, we've produced and follow the policies below:

Protecting your privacy

Red Funnel Group (which trades as Red Funnel) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and your information will be held and handled by us according to this Policy.

All personal data held in the UK by Red Funnel will be governed by the UK Data Protection Act 1998 until 25th May 2018, when this will be replaced by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), we are the data controller in respect of information collected on our website.

Read our Privacy Policy

This Policy (together with our Cookie Policy, Website Terms & Conditions of Use and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

We collect personal information when you interact with us, such as when you book a ticket, subscribe to our newsletter, or use our website. The types of personal information we collect may include:

  • Contact Information (such as name, email address, phone number)
  • Payment Information (such as credit card details)
  • Travel Preferences
  • Location Information (if you enable location services)
  • Device Information (such as IP address, browser type)

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide the services you request, such as processing bookings and payments.
  • To communicate with you about your bookings and provide customer support.
  • To send you marketing communications about our products and services (you can opt-out at any time)
  • To personalize and improve our services, including by analysing user interactions and preferences.
  • To comply with legal obligations and protect our rights.

We may share your personal information with third parties in the following circumstances:

  • With service providers who help us operate our business and provide the Services (such as payment processors and marketing agencies)
  • With government authorities or law enforcement agencies as required by law or to protect our rights
  • With third parties in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets

We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

You have certain rights regarding your personal information, including the right to access, correct, or delete your information. You can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact information provided below. You also have the right to make a complaint to the ICO.

We take appropriate measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Your personal information may be transferred to and processed in countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) that may not provide the same level of data protection as your home country. We will take appropriate safeguards to ensure that your personal information remains protected.

Our Services are not directed to children under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we can delete the information.

You may request access to information held about you. This is normally a free service, unless this process proves to be unduly difficult and takes more time when a fee may be payable to cover the administration costs.

See the following links:

Customer Personal Data Request Form

Employee / Former Employee Personal Data Request Form

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, you may contact us at [email protected].

GDPR Compliance

Complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR came into effect on 25th May 2018 and changes UK data privacy law to give you more control over how your data is used, how you're contacted, as well as better protection for your personal data.

We continue to use personal information in the same way, but our Privacy Policy reflects these changes and now provides you with additional details such as:

  • Your increased rights in relation to the information we hold about you
  • How we keep your personal information secure
  • The types of personal information we collect about you and how we use it
  • The legal grounds for how we use your information

We now ask you how you would like to be contacted and as a Red Funnel Group customer, so you can choose how you would like to receive updates from us on features, products and offers.

5 things you need to know about GDPR

  1. Technological advances have meant the amount of personal data being generated is rapidly increasing, which is why the law was updated to better protect people. All companies now have to review how they manage all personal data.
  2. It give you more control over your personal data and how it is used. You have greater visibility and control over the personal data organisations hold about you. This means you can have greater confidence that information about you is accurate, up-to date and properly managed.
  3. You can choose who contacts you, and how - organisations now need to ask for your consent so they can contact you about offers, products or services they think you'll find useful or interesting. To comply with GDPR, these requests need to be clear and straightforward.
  4. You can also change your mind at any time - under GDPR, it should be easier to update your preferences on what you want to receive and how.
  5. Your data should be better protected - organisations holding personal data now need to have the right processes in place to protect it and not put it at risk or face hefty fines.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer's hard drive via your web browser, allowing us to ensure that we understand how our website is being used and to enable us to improve your experience whilst on our website.

Like most websites, ours requires the use of "cookies" to work correctly and to provide you with the high level of functionality and convenience that you expect.

We also work with third party organisations who place advertisements about our company on the Internet on our behalf. These organisations may use tracking technologies to collect anonymous but identifiable information about users who view or interact with these advertisements. We do not provide any personal information about users to these third parties and third party cookies and tags are subject to the privacy policy of the company placing them.

Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Some cookies are deleted once you leave our website "session cookies", while other cookies remain after you leave our website "persistent cookies" so that you are recognized when you return to the website.

If you pro-actively click to indicate that you wish the website to remember certain details (such as a username and password) a cookie will be downloaded so that, upon re-visiting the same page in the website, the cookie will automatically re-populate the information remembered, without your having to re-enter it. Cookies identify a computer rather than an individual, unless you have knowingly provided us with personal information.

Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your browser settings to prevent this. The "help" section of most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. For more information about cookies and how to stop cookies being installed or how to delete existing cookies from your hard drive visit the following website: 

All web browsers off an easy way to delete cookies that have been placed; you can choose to delete cookies every time you close your website browser or you can delete them manually whenever you choose to. You will generally be able to delete cookies from the "Setting" of your website browser. As all website browsers are different, you can click the "Help" button in your browser and enter the word "cookies" to search for information on how to delete them.

These cookies are required to make the website work correctly and to ensure that you experience the level of service and functionality that you expect.

Cookie IDPurposeHow long it lasts
sIFRFetchUsed to improve the display of certain parts of the website in your browserUntil you close your browser
REDFUNNELStores your shopping basket, browsing history, search requirements and other various booking process data excluding payment infoUntil you close your browser
ARPTThis is a technical session cookie set by our website to share the number of visitors we get on our site between web servers. This is so the site does not overload and can perform at its optimum potentialUntil you close your browser
cookie-testUsed to determine if cookies are enabled in your browserExpires 6 minutes after being set

These cookies are activated when you make choices such as remember usernames and passwords, to make it more convenient for you when you next visit our website.

Cookie ID PurposeHow long it lasts
MYRF.emailTo remember the email you use to log into your My Red Funnel account14 days unless you delete your cookies manually
MYRF.passwordTo remember the password you use to log into your My Red Funnel account14 days unless you delete your cookies manually
resource_preferencesUsed to store the users search details for a subsequent visit30 days unless you delete your cookies manually
REDFUNNELContains the Authorisation TokenThe cookie is only valid during current browser session and it will be deleted when you close browser
ferry-formContains information about your searched departure. Like amount of passengers, what type of travel, travels from and destination 
Redfunnel.rememberContains user that checked "remember me" during login 
BadBrowserA cookie that is used if the user uses an old Internet Explorer browser. (IE6) 
Redfunnel.HomeContains mainland or island site version and navigation, depending on what the user sets on the site to This cookie expires in 365 days
_RequestVerificationTokenContains the antiForgeryToken for security. 
ASP.NET_SessionIdSession dataThe cookie is only valid during current browser session and it will be deleted when you close browser
__RequestVerificationTokenStops fraudulent website form submissonsAs above
BIGipServerREFUWEB_PoolFor load balancing and ensuring the website is stable    As above above above

Full information about Google Analytics cookies can be found on the Google Analytics website.

Cookie IDPurposeHow long it lasts
_utmaWe use Google Analytics to provide us with anonymous data showing how visitors use our website. This data enables us to improve our service and offer you the best possible experience. These cookies collect information such as the number of visitors to the website, where they have come from and how long they spent on the site.2 years unless you delete your cookies manually
_utmbAs Above30 minutes no longer in us
_utmz6 months unless you delete your cookies manually
_utmv2 years unless you delete your cookies manually
_gaThis cookie expires in 729 days
_gidThe cookie is only valid during current browser session and it will be deleted when you close browser
_gatThe cookie is only valid during current browser session and it will be deleted when you close browser
Cookie ID From WebsitePurposeHow long it lasts
svidmediaplex.comAd Tracking36 months
mojo1mediaplex.comAd Creative Rotation36 months
mojo2mediaplex.comVendor Pixel Exposure36 months
mojo3mediaplex.comVendor Pixel Exposure36 months
uidad.yieldmanager.comAd TrackingUntil it is removed
bhad.yieldmanager.comAd TrackingUntil it is removed
test-cookiedoubleclick.netChecks for permissionsUntil it is removed
quantserve.commcAd TrackingUntil it is removed
IDEdoubleclick.netDoubleClick - Used to track users/converters for marketing attribution purposesThis cookie expires in 389 days
frfacebook.comFacebook - Builds custom audiences using the data passed back. Facebook consults its users during sign-up that their data may be used for this purpose.This cookie expires in 89 days
ra1_uidgwallet.comRadiumOne - Analytics cookie used to collate information to aid remarketing activityThis cookie expires in 364 days    RadiumOne - Analytics cookie used to collate information to aid remarketing activityThis cookie expires in 364 days
ra1_sidgwallet.comRadiumOne - Analytics cookie used to collate information to aid remarketing activityThis cookie expires in 364 days
RA1balancergwallet.comRadiumOne - Analytics cookie used to collate information to aid remarketing activityThis cookie expires in 364 days
sessgwallet.comAppNexus - "Contains a single non-unique value: “1”. It is used by the Platform to test whether a browser is configured to accept cookies from AppNexus." - Direct quote from cookie is only valid during current browser session and it will be deleted when you close browser

These cookies may be placed by Twitter to enable their functionality to work correctly. We have no control over these cookies but full information about Twitter's cookies can be found on the Twitter website.

Cookie IDFrom WebsiteHow long it lasts
pidtwitter.comUntil you close your browser
guest_idtwitter.comUntil you close your browser
ktwitter.comUntil you close your browser
_twitter_sesstwitter.comUntil you close your browser

These cookies may be placed by Facebook to enable their functionality to work correctly. We have no control over these cookies but full information about Facebook's cookies can be found on the Facebook website.

Cookie IDFrom WebsiteHow long it lasts
datrfacebook.comUntil you close your browser
lsdfacebook.comUntil you close your browser
reg_fb_gatefacebook.comUntil you close your browser
reg_fb_reffacebook.comUntil you close your browser
wdfacebook.comUntil you close your browser

All of the pages of the Red Funnel website contain commonly used web tags, which enable us to monitor basic but invaluable information about the use of the website, such as how a visitor found the website, which pages were visited and whether a purchase was made, among others. We use Google Analytics to generate these tags and for the tracking, analysis and reporting of the resulting data. The information collected by these tags is anonymous.

The information from these tags allows us to build an accurate picture of how our website is being used and to identify any areas for improvement.